Powerful Hip Flexors Stretch


The hip flexors (flexes) pull the knees to the chest. These muscles play a major role in shaping the lumbar curve, when the psoas is tight, it may pull the lumbar spine forward causing lower back pain - especially common with people whose abdominal muscles are used inefficiently.

Postural reminders:

Look at the picture and follow the form demonstrated. If you can not reach the floor comfortably please use blocks as support to elevate the hands.

Ensure that you place the foot in front of the knee. Extend the back leg to its limit (Remember less is more!). Straighten the back by lifting the chest forward, and by drawing the hands along the floor towards the hip. Powerful stretch. Make sure you don't use more than 20-30 percent of your strength when C-R or you will be sore in the morning!

C-R try to pull the knee forward for 5 sec - relax - inhale fully and re-stretch - lift chest forward, hands back to hip...recall the cues we have used in the clinic. Stay at least 10 deep breath. Finish: push the floor away from your front foot and walk back out of the stretch with your hands. 3 x C-R at max. Powerful stretch. Make sure you don't use more than 20-30 percent of your strength when C-R

15xmorange Review the anatomy of the muscles that act on the anterior thigh (the focus is on the PSOAS MAJOR)


Lower back pain, groin pain, Box jumps, climbing, running, Grouse Grind:) hip pain