Gizella Nagy

Mobile Services: Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver
Phone: 604-788-5432
Level of Experience: Over 18 years

  • Gender: Female
  • Location: Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Kitsilano, Point Grey, Kerrisdale, Shaughnessy and Vancouver area
  • Services Provided: Sport Massage - Deep Tissue Massage - Shiatsu Therapy - Thai Massage - Relaxation Massage - Stretch Therapy - Post Natal Care and Massage - Massage for Seniors - Pilates Mat - Pregnancy Massage
  • Certifications: Shiatsu Therapy, Relaxation, Sport and Deep Tissue Massage, Thai Massage, Stretch Therapy, Pilates Mat Beginners and Intermediate


When it is time to heal and improve physical well being think COCOON...

Gizella believes that wholesome living can be maintained successfully through self-care, education and by adopting corrective and preventative measures via movement patterns.

As a holistic practitioner, Gizella has been working in the spa and wellness industry for over a decade. Her objective is to assist and inspire her clients to develop their own preventative health routine. She is detail oriented, has a keen eye for spotting postural imbalances and the right skills to guide you to an optimal movement awareness and freedom.

Gizella offers in-home services, integrated sessions of Shiatsu, Massage, Pilates and Stretch Therapy. She provides private or group sessions on appointed locations. For more information about her classes and services please contact her in person.
